The Daughter-In-Law Novel – Download PDF

The Daughter-In-Law Novel Synopsis

Vanessa Spencer is trying her best to outsmart the mother-in-law who befriended her under false pretenses.
When her own husband doesn’t seem able to see the light, she just might have to take matters into her own hands.

“I do not want your hag of a mother in my home for the holidays.” I moved around the room as I spoke because if I stood still too long I might commit murder.
“Vanessa I’ve asked you not to refer to my mother like that.”
“Why not? She calls me worst and I’ve got the Facebook posts to prove it.”

“She’s my mom. What do you expect me to do?”
“I expect you to grow a pair and tell that nut job how it is, or there’s gonna be hell to pay.”
“Baby, come on. Can’t you just try for me?” He was advancing but I was onto his shit, no way; not this time buddy.

“What? Do you mean for the one-hundredth time? Uh-uh, all trials are over, she failed. When people fail the trial period you don’t hire them.
You should know that you’re a Captain in the army.
If your ass had failed boot camp that shit would be out; and let me tell you something, boot camp ain’t got shit on a new daughter-in-law trying to fit in with a narcissistic tyrant set on destruction.”

The Daughter-In-Law Novel Chapters 1-5

The Daughter-In-Law Novel Chapters 4-6

The Daughter-In-Law Novel Chapters 7-9

The Daughter-In-Law Novel Chapters 10-12

The Daughter-In-Law Novel Chapters 13-15

The Daughter-In-Law Novel Chapters 16-18

The Daughter-In-Law Novel Chapters 19-20

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