The Man’s Decree Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online

The Man’s Decree Novel Synopsis 

“I’m finally out,” Kai Chance exclaimed as he forcefully took a deep breath of fresh air.
Behind him was Horington Prison, where he had been locked up for the past three years. Today was the day he was released.
“Hmm, I wonder how my parents are doing.”
With a torn canvas bag on his back, Kai hurried home right away. Over the last three years, his parents never visited him.
Hence, he was worried about them.
On the way home, Kai kept looking at the bronze-colored ring he was wearing.
There was a lifelike dragon carved on it. On top of the dragon’s head was a special symbol.
The ring was given to him by Draco, a friend from prison.
Draco was a strange man.
He would constantly ramble on about how he was the leader of the Dragon Sect and knew everything, including astrology, geography, medicine, and many more.
Not only that, he even claimed that he could bring back someone from the dead.
Everyone treated Draco as a madman and ignored him accordingly

The Man’s Decree Chapter 1-4

The Man’s Decree Chapter 5-8

The Man’s Decree Chapter 9-12

The Man’s Decree Chapter 13-16

The Man’s Decree Chapter 17-25

The Man’s Decree Chapter 26-50

The Man’s Decree Chapter 51-80

The Man’s Decree Chapter 81-100

The Man’s Decree Chapter 101-120

The Man’s Decree Chapter 121-140

The Man’s Decree Chapter 141-160

The Man’s Decree Chapter 161-180

The Man’s Decree Chapter 181-184

The Man’s Decree Chapter 185-188

The Man’s Decree Chapter 189-192

The Man’s Decree Chapter 193-196

The Man’s Decree Chapter 197-200

The Man’s Decree Chapter 201-204

The Man’s Decree Chapter 205-208

The Man’s Decree Chapter 209-212

The Man’s Decree Chapter 213-216

The Man’s Decree Chapter 217-220

The Man’s Decree Chapter 221-224

The Man’s Decree Chapter 225-228

The Man’s Decree Chapter 229-241

The Man’s Decree Chapter 242-245

The Man’s Decree Chapter 246-249

The Man’s Decree Chapter 250-253

The Man’s Decree Chapter 254-257

The Man’s Decree Chapter 258-261

The Man’s Decree Chapter 262-265

The Man’s Decree Chapter 266-269

The Man’s Decree Chapter 270-273

The Man’s Decree Chapter 274-277

The Man’s Decree Chapter 278-281

The Man’s Decree Chapter 282-285

The Man’s Decree Chapter 286-290

The Man’s Decree Chapter 291-298

The Man’s Decree Chapter 299-302

The Man’s Decree Chapter 303-306

The Man’s Decree Chapter 307-310

The Man’s Decree Chapter 311-314

The Man’s Decree Chapter 315-318

The Man’s Decree Chapter 319-322

The Man’s Decree Chapter 323-326

The Man’s Decree Chapter 327-330

The Man’s Decree Chapter 331-334

The Man’s Decree Chapter 335-338

The Man’s Decree Chapter 339-342

The Man’s Decree Chapter 343-360

The Man’s Decree Chapter 361-400

The Man’s Decree Chapter 401-430

The Man’s Decree Chapter 431-453

The Man’s Decree Chapter 454-457

The Man’s Decree Chapter 458-461

The Man’s Decree Chapter 462-467

The Man’s Decree Chapter 468-480

The Man’s Decree Chapter 481-520

The Man’s Decree Chapter 521-542

The Man’s Decree Chapter 543-546

The Man’s Decree Chapter 547-550

The Man’s Decree Chapter 551-555

The Man’s Decree Chapter 556-559

The Man’s Decree Chapter 560-576

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The Man’s Decree Chapter 1911-1914

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The Man’s Decree Chapter 1919-1922

The Man’s Decree Chapter 1923-1926

The Man’s Decree Chapter 1927-1930

The Man’s Decree Chapter 1931-1934

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The Man’s Decree Chapter 1939-1942

The Man’s Decree Chapter 1943-1946

The Man’s Decree Chapter 1947-1950

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The Man’s Decree Chapter 2040-2043

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The Man’s Decree Chapter 2329-2341

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2342-2345

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2346-2349

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2350-2355

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The Man’s Decree Chapter 2380-2390

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2391-2395

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The Man’s Decree Chapter 2406-2410

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2411-2418

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2419-2423

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2424-2427

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2428-2431

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2432-2440

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2441-2460

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2461-2470

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2471-2480

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2481-2484

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2485-2510

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2511-2530

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2531-2545

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2546-2562

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2563-2580

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2581-2640

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2641-2680

The Man’s Decree Chapter 2681-2730

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